Alternative Fuel Vehicle & Fueling Infrastructure Deployment Barriers & the Potential Role of Private Sector Financial Solutions

The AFV Toolkit Resource Library helps users quickly find valuable online resources related to alternative fuels, such as websites, research reports, and other tools. We've collected over 250 resources on alternative fuels from across the web. In order to make it easy to find what you're looking for, you can filter the library by the type of resource (such as a website or research report), the date the resource was published, and the topic of the resource (see here). You can also narrow your search with text. In addition, for each workshop conducted as part of the Deployment of Alternative Vehicle and Fuel Technologies Initiative, we identified resources specific to the workshop topic. To filter the library for that workshop, we have a tag for each workshop or you can click the links below.

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Your Search Results:

Alternative Fuel Vehicle & Fueling Infrastructure Deployment Barriers & the Potential Role of Private Sector Financial Solutions

April 1, 2014

Research Reports

This paper examines how private financing can address the infrastructure barriers to demand facing electric, natural gas, and hydrogen fuel cell AFVs and their related fueling infrastructure….

Alternative Fueling Station Locator

February 14, 2018

Apps & Tools

An interactive map of all alternative fueling stations in the United States, including charging stations for PEVs. Map data is regularly verified by the U.S. Department of Energy….

Alternative Fuels Data Center (EV charging)

February 14, 2018


This website provides maps, data, case studies, reports, and tools useful for building an understanding of home and public PEV charging.

Alternative Fuels Data Center (Public charging)

February 14, 2018


With a focus on public charging infrastructure, this website provides maps and data, case studies, reports, a vehicle cost calculator, and an alternative fueling station locator….

Alternative Transportation Refueling Infrastructure in the U.S. 2014: Status and Challenges

January 1, 2015

Research Reports

Focusing on highway vehicles, this paper reviews the motivation for transitioning to alternative fuels, the current status of alternative fuel refueling infrastructure in the U.S., the costs of such i…

Assessment of Leading Electric Vehicle Promotion Activities In United States Cities

July 1, 2015

Research Reports

This report surveys actions being taken by state and local governments and public utilities to facilitate PEV deployment in the 25 largest U.S. metro areas. The report also provides a city-specific an…

Auburn Hills Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Zoning Ordinance

February 14, 2018


The ordinance aims to prepare the city for the future by setting policy and removing the red tape and bureaucratic uncertainty involved with installing a network of public and private PEV charging sta…

Bay Area Plug-In Electric Vehicle Readiness Plan

September 1, 2013

Action Plans & Guides

This plan contains a status report on current PEV use in the Bay Area, as well as strategies to accelerate PEV adoption and actions for readiness.

Business Models for Financially Sustainable EV Charging Networks

March 1, 2015

Case Studies

The goal of this study is to identify sustainable business models that the private sector can execute to address EV charging infrastructure gaps in Washington state….

California DGS Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment Guidance Document

February 1, 2014

Action Plans & Guides

This “how to” guide is written for public entities looking to install workplace charging. It includes information on technology, planning, procurement, data collection, models, and utility assistance….

California DGS EVSE Vendor Contracts

January 6, 2015

Procurement & Contract Documents

Current pricing for California Department of General Services charging station vendor retainer contracts.

California Plug-In Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Permitting Checklist

May 8, 2015

Action Plans & Guides

This document provides information on the conditions under which an EVSE permit is required, EVSE permit application requirements, the number and type (e.g., pre- and post-installation) of inspections…

California Statewide Plug-In Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Assessment

May 1, 2014

Research Reports

This study, for the California Energy Commission, provides several infrastructure expansion scenarios, as well as various conclusions, recommendations, intentions, and policy information. This Assessm…

Caltrans ZEV Signs and Pavement Markings Policy Directive

March 14, 2013

Regulations, Laws, & Standards

Policy guidance on California Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) requirements for PEV charging signage and pavement markings.

Clean Cities Coalitions

February 14, 2018


Clean Cities coalitions work to reduce petroleum use in communities across the country. Led by Clean Cities coordinators, coalitions comprise businesses, fuel providers, vehicle fleets, state and loca…

Creating EV-Ready Towns and Cities: A Guide to Planning and Policy Tools

November 1, 2012

Action Plans & Guides

This guide highlights best practices and introduces policy options for public officials and private-sector leaders seeking to prepare their communities, jurisdictions, states, or organizations for PEV…

DC Fast Chargers for California’s North-South Corridor

July 27, 2015

Procurement & Contract Documents

This request for proposal is for bids to complete long distance corridor DC Fast Charging networks in California.

Electric Drive WA

February 14, 2018


This website provides information on a variety of EV topics, including: community scale planning for EVs, laws and policies, total cost of ownership (worksheet), and a guide for Washington State Agenc…

AFV Action Guide for State and Regional Transportation Agencies