The Alternative Fuel Toolkit can help you learn about alternative fuels and vehicles; plan your infrastructure and funding; and act using the AFV Action Guide, facilitation materials, and other resources. Resources were developed in conjunction with a set of national workshops and reflect the latest stakeholder-input and research.
Featured Materials on the Alternative Fuel Toolkit

Alternative Fuel Corridor Convenings Final Summary Report
This report summarizes the presentations, discussions, and outcomes from the five regional convenings. The materials from the five convenings including the agenda, attendee list, handouts and materials, and ideas for continued alternative fuel corridor buildout are provided in a series of links in Appendix A of this report.

Intermountain Western Alternative Fuel Corridor Convening Agenda and Summary Report
Agenda and Summary Report from the Intermountain Western Alternative Fuel Corridor Convening.

Helpful Tools for Alternative Fuel Corridor Planning
An overview of online tools that can assist transportation planners with implementing alternative fuel corridors across the United States.
AFV Cost Calculator
The AFV Cost Calculator provides a quick way to compare the total cost of ownership in real dollars of AFVs.
Learn the fundamentals of alternative fuels and vehicles by exploring fact sheets, interactive graphics, and industry literature.
Explore online tools, maps, calculators and funding resources to help plan your next step in deploying alternative fuels and vehicles.
Take action on deploying alternative fuels and vehicles by using these materials.
The Alternative Fuel Toolkit is based on direct stakeholder input from five regional workshops. Explore materials from these workshops here.
A series of five regional convenings are being held throughout the U.S. to help ‘fill the infrastructure gap.’
To help ‘fill the infrastructure gap’ and increase awareness on the expanding network of nationally-designated alternative fuel corridors, the Federal Highway Administration is sponsoring a series of five regional Convenings throughout the U.S. These regional Convenings act as a central meeting point to strengthen coordination between states and partners on the planning and implementation of alternative fuel corridors. The regional Convenings are invitation-only, free meetings for state and city departments of transportation, metropolitan planning organizations, Clean Cities Coalitions, and other partners who play a critical role in alternative fuel corridor development. During the Convenings, stakeholders engage in sessions focused on current regional corridor activities, signage and awareness, infrastructure gap analysis, technology barriers, and funding and partnership best practices.