This toolkit offers resources to help transportation planning agencies learn from California’s unique policy landscape and identify actions and practices from California that could be taken back to their jurisdictions. The toolkit complements the findings and insights discussed at the workshop titled “Learning from the California Experience: Alternative Fuels, Vehicles, and Infrastructure” held on March 22, 2017 in Sacramento, California.
The Learning from California Experience toolkit is comprised of six components: resource library, a case study and tools, conference materials, and photo gallery. The resource library provides existing resources on alternative fuel policies, with an emphasis on policies in California. The case study highlights how effective interagency collaboration facilitated the development of the California Sustainable Freight Action Plan. The alternative fuels timeline details the major milestones that allowed for alternative fuel development and deployment in the United States. There are two interactive maps in this toolkit: the first allows users to search for alternative fueling stations, while the second allows users to view locations of truck parking facilities in comparison to existing truck stop electrification infrastructure. Both of the maps allow users to search by highway corridor. The conference materials include a one-page workshop fact sheet, a summary report, speaker presentations, and the case study handouts that were used to guide the breakout group discussions. Finally, the photo gallery contains pictures of the workshop speakers and discussions.

Resource Library
The Learning from the California Experience Resource Library is a compilation of curated resources related to the unique policy landscape in California and along with actions and practices from California that could be taken back to other jurisdictions. Resources include reports and case studies of past projects, as well as plans, guides, and tools that can assist in future development. As the resources vary by location and topic, they can be easily filtered and sorted to find those most applicable to individual needs. Users are encouraged to contact us to suggest additional resources or others ways we can improve this Resource Library.
Case Study and Tools
Conference Materials
The California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) hosted the fifth workshop under the pooled fund initiative on March 22, 2017 in Sacramento, California. The workshop focused on the unique policy landscape in California and identified actions and practices from California that could be taken back to other jurisdictions. The agenda included several notable speakers, including Kome Ajise (Caltrans Chief Deputy Director), Dan Sperling (Director of the Institute for Transportation Studies at the University of California, Davis; Board member of the California Air Resources Board), Larry Orcutt (former Director of Equipment at Caltrans), Gil Tal (Professional Researcher at the Plug-in Hybrid and Electric Vehicle Center, University of California, Davis), and Tyson Eckerle (Deputy Director of Zero Emission Vehicle (ZEV) Infrastructure at California’s Governor’s Office of Business and Economic Development).
Attendees participated in two case study exercises designed to foster discussion and help them gain insights on alternative fuel vehicle deployment and public policy’s role in accelerating this deployment. The first case study focused on policies that encourage the greater use of low-carbon fuels. The second case study focused on the California ZEV program and compliance scenarios from the state’s recent program review. Finally, during the afternoon of the workshop, a panel of four staff members of California agencies answered questions and provided insights on the state’s newly released Sustainable Freight Action Plan. The workshop had a total of 47 participants.
Workshop Fact Sheet and Summary Report
Workshop Overview Slides
This presentation provides an overview of the workshop, including an overview of the workshop objectives.