This toolkit provides resources to help transportation planning agencies make decisions on alternative fuel vehicles (AFVs) used in freight applications. The toolkit complements the findings and insights discussed at the workshop titled “Tools for Implementing Alternative Fuel Corridors” held on November 4, 2016 in Troy, New York.
This workshop was part of a two-day conference on clean corridors hosted by the Northeast Diesel Collaborative. The first day featured a series of panels on clean freight activities along with the unveiling of FHWA’s Alternative Fuel Corridors by Administrator Greg Nadeau.
The clean freight corridors toolkit is comprised of six components: resource library, fact sheet on incorporating alternative fuels in state freight plans, fact sheet on improving alternative fuel access alternative fuel station planning along clean freight corridors, alternative fuel funding database, conference materials, and photo gallery. The clean freight corridor planning template provides guidance for states looking to incorporate alternative fuel and clean corridor concepts into their state freight plans under the FAST Act. The fact sheet on improving alternative fuel station planning and the alternative fuel funding database were created at the request of workshop participants. The conference materials include a one-page workshop fact sheet, a summary report, and the presentations from the two-day conference. Finally, the photo gallery contains pictures from both days of the conference.

Clean freight corridors are major roadways that help to advance high-efficiency, low-emission alternative transportation technologies across all modes.
Resource Library
The Clean Freight Corridor Resource Library is a compilation of curated resources related to the use of AFVs for freight applications. Resources include reports and case studies of past projects, as well as plans, guides, and tools that can assist in future development. As the resources vary by location and topic, they can be easily filtered and sorted to find those most applicable to individual needs. Users are encouraged to contact us to suggest additional resources or others ways we can improve this Resource Library.
Funding Sources and Fact Sheets
Conference Materials
The fourth workshop under the pooled-fund initiative took place on November 4, 2016. The workshop was the second day of a two-day Clean Corridors Meeting which sought to increase collaboration across government, industry, and other stakeholders in order to advance clean freight corridors. A highlight from the first day of the Clean Corridors Meeting was when the Administrator of the Federal Highway Administration, Greg Nadeau, announced the designations of the National Alternative Fuel Clean Corridors for compressed natural gas, liquefied natural gas, propane, hydrogen, and electric vehicle charging.
Workshop Fact Sheet and Summary Report
Workshop Overview Slides
This presentation provides an overview of the workshop, including an overview of the attendees, and the workshop objectives.