
We created tools following workshops at the request of participants or as part of the general needs we identified for stakeholders. Below are all the tools created for the Alternative Fuel Toolkit website as part of the workshops.

Truck Parking and Truck Stop Electrification

The interactive dashboard lets you explore the location of truck parking and truck stop electrification throughout the United States. You can filter by any corridor on the National Highway System, road type, state, county, or parking type.

2018-01-18T08:01:42-05:00April 11th, 2017|Tags: , |

Timeline of Alternative Fuels Development in the United States

The development of alternative fuels for on-road vehicles began decades ago. The Alternative Fuels Timeline gives you an immersive way to learn about the history of U.S. environmental and energy policy, key developments in the development of alternative fuel technology, and other major milestones.

2019-06-13T13:54:04-04:00April 11th, 2017|Tags: , |

AFV Action Guide for State and Regional Transportation Agencies