The South Central Alternative Fuel Corridor Convening was the third in a series of regional Convenings sponsored by the Federal Highway Administration. The Convening was held in Arlington, Texas on April 9, 2019 with more than 60 stakeholders participating. The Convening focused on advancing regional coordination to expand the network of nationally-designated alternative fuel corridors. Participants included representatives from Texas, Arkansas, Louisiana, and Oklahoma.
Convening Agenda and Summary Report
Convening Fact Sheets
Convening Materials
Host Welcome
North Central Texas Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) leadership and the Federal Highway Administration’s (FHWA’s) lead on alternative fuel corridors provided welcome and introductory remarks on the importance of regional coordination and partnerships to support the development of alternative fuel corridors and a sustainable transportation network.
Setting the Stage: Partnership Goals and Objectives
Meeting hosts presented convening objectives to enhance multi-state collaboration, evaluate key barriers, and find solutions to advance alternative fuel corridors in the South Central U.S.
South Central Corridor Analysis and Planning Tools
Participants learned the story behind the maps through a presentation on regional alternative fuel corridors, including changes over time since the initial designations. Representatives from Volpe and the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) walked through the types of analyses necessary to identify and fill infrastructure gaps along the corridors. The presentation included a demonstration of NREL’s Alternative Fuels Data Center (AFDC) alternative fueling station locator and corresponding corridor tool.

Mike Scarpino, Transportation Project Engineer, U.S. Department of Transportation Volpe Center
Stephen Costa, Technical Analyst, U.S. Department of Transportation Volpe Center
Johanna Levene, Manager, Transportation Data and Tools, National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Steve Lommele, Clean Cities Project Leader, Transportation & Hydrogen Systems Center, National Renewable Energy Laboratory
South Central Alternative Fuel Corridor Initiatives
Partners throughout the region presented on innovative programs currently advancing alternative fuel corridors for electric, propane, and compressed natural gas vehicles. First-hand accounts were given about the partners, technologies, and funding that are making it possible.
Building Awareness & Leveraging Partnerships: Communicating Availability and Benefits of Alternative Fuels to Enhance Corridors
During this session, partners discussed the strategies, partnerships, and resources required to build awareness on the availability and benefits of alternative fuel corridors. Panelists shared experiences securing stakeholder support for alternative fuel infrastructure along corridors and discussed additional needs such as signage.
Filling the Gap: Strategy, Technology, and Partnership for Infrastructure Development
Public and private partners discussed the challenges and best practices for the planning and implementation of alternative fuel corridors. Technology and fuel suppliers, utilities, government and fleets shared perspectives on how to “fill the infrastructure gap.” During this session, FHWA sought feedback on how the Agency can help states meet their corridor goals.
Funding for Corridors: Federal & State Funds, Volkswagen Settlement and Innovative Financing
Partners evaluated the challenges and opportunities to fund alternative fuel infrastructure projects to expand corridors and vehicles to build out the market. Topics included federal grant programs such as the Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement (CMAQ) program, state status on Volkswagen (VW) Settlement funds and potential use for infrastructure, the role of utilities in infrastructure costs and development, and approaches to innovative financing.